
Showing posts from May, 2018

You need to know polyamorous relationship before starting polyamorous dating

No one knows how long polyamory as a type of relationship has existed. One may just assume the first polyamorous families to be much older than media-culture that could tell about them. Most probably it was due to unwillingness to scandalize the general public that polyamorists were for a long while keeping silent about their relationships. But starting from the 18-19 centuries the number of reliable evidences on polyamory has tended to grow: for instance, carnal relations of Admiral Nelson involved three persons, whereas Friedrich Engels and other well-known figures made no bones of it as well. It was the loyalty of the XX century that later on vested great many people with various rights, while dissemination of information was fostered by the Internet so that polyamorous families started emerging out of the mist of secrecy being now able not only to live openly under their own rules but go public as well. A notion not existing within a media space yet 50 years ago has today become